The arts have a unique way of impacting individuals who are open to receiving the message of the artist. I believe that if lawyer's lower their guards and stop judging others based on superficial characteristics, Tupac's poems do have the ability to impact lawyers. Vulnerability, compassion and empathy are vital characteristics that individuals in the legal field and political field are lacking. Additionally, many lawyers are caught up in the courtroom, office, or in the field and don't make the time to connect with the arts due to long grueling hours of work.
Tupac's poems open people's eyes to the perspective of a young man who was vulnerable. Vulnerability connects people together. Vulnerability and empathy have the ability to impact our choices in how we vote, the creation of policies, and even to dismantle and reform the prison system. People should read Tupac's poems even if they don't necessarily relate. Hopefully one day they will experience something while at work or even in their personal lives that will allow them to understand Tupac's messages. Being open and receptive will allow lawyers to understand the life experience of disadvantaged communities in a different perspective.